Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wristcutters: A Love Story

Where to begin? That's the real trouble. In order for my selection process for what movies I watch and review I have to start with one first. Do I choose one that I love and is an easy 5 star, or should I go with one that I have a multitude of witty banter to make it as entertaining as possible? Or do I just go to Hulu and select the first thing that sounds kinda interesting?
Well I guess that's what I did because I found myself watching a movie on Hulu and figured, "why not"I'm starting off my reviewing experience fittingly with a movie that takes place at the end.That end is death; but not just any death.

----------Warning There May Be Spoilers----------

Wristcutters: A Love Story is about what happens after you commit suicide. This movie was way down on my radar. I kinda sorta remember a trailer of it from way back and it sounded like an interesting. Here I go...

Wristcutters, answers that question, "What would happen if I killed myself today?" Turns out, its a Black-Comedy.The story starts with Zia (Patrick Fugit) starting his day. He gets out of bed starts to tidy his apartment. Cleans up the dirty clothes, vacuums, dusts, and waters the plants. After completing his tiding affair he goes into the bathroom and slits his wrist. Zia then fall to the floor only to find with his last breath that he missed a corner full of dust. Figures.
We then find Zia working in a pizza joint in a not so together kinda place. Turns out that as a punishment for trying to end his bland everyday life he now gets to spend all eternity doing exactly what he was trying to get away from. Only this place is worse. Everyone seems to get to hold onto some aspect of their death. Zia gets to have scars on his wrist to show off. A girl who stuck her head in a gas oven is kinda bluish, and so forth. Also it seems that everything in this world is broken or discarded. So you try to discard your body and now all you have to wear is clothes that someone threw out. You wanna car, all you can find is a beater that was given to a dump a few decades ago. Even the houses kinda seem like they are on their last legs. Another thing about this starless universe (yes no stars in the sky at night) is you cant smile... at all... even if you read an awesome review about a movie and are completely enthralled. You Cant Smile. Other than that it seems like an average place. Beer seems to be everywhere. So it couldn't be called Hell, could it?
Well after Zia finds out about his former girlfriend Desiree, Zia and his friend Eugene start their journey across this land to find her. So in other words this movie is what you would get if you took Road Trip with Dead Like Me, and tossed in a little Everything Is Illuminated.
So while on their journey in a old beater with a black hole under the passenger seat (you know that place where everything you lose in your car goes) they pick up a hitchhiker Mikal who is in search for the P.I.C. (People In Charge) who control everything in this world. So now we have a trio all searching for something. One searching for lost love, one trying to right a wrong, and the other just looking for something better to do.

I truly enjoyed this movie, even more so seeing how I really didn't know anything about it going in. It's a nice twist on the "go out and get the girl" flicks. It both made me laugh and look a little deeper into myself. The whole thing has a "Killer" soundtrack that really adds to the visuals thrown through this epic landscape.
Also I don't know how it was so low on my radar, I wouldn't say that its staring a whole list of block busters but each and every speaking character I recognized from some TV show or movie.
For example one of the cops you see in the middle of the movie is none other than Ron Swanson from NBC's Parks and Rec.

I mean he kinda let himself go for this role but at least he's not bald with a disturbing head deformity...

Oh so after this he ends up In Indiana huh...

This is one of those great "the journey is better then the destination" movies, with solid acting and great soundtrack, and a story that makes you wanna watch it to the end. And I think you'll find yourself smiling at the end too.

I give this movie 4 outta 5 lost sunglasses
Go see it

Monday, August 2, 2010

To Start This Off

Hello, welcome to my start of this never ending task I am about to begin. I'm going to set the rules that I will have to follow. I know rules sometimes means no fun, but think of it this way every drinking game has rules and that makes it more fun. Unless your playing by yourself, or you just drink to everything. In both cases you may have a problem.
That's kinda what I have. I have a problem with watching a movie and then having nothing to show for it. Some movies I have seen make me want to run out and buy every copy then climb the nearest skyscraper and start throwing it down with little parachutes so that everyone can enjoy it. Then again sometimes I see a movie and I want to run out buy every copy and climb the nearest skyscraper and throw them off without the parachutes.
Well every game has to have some ground rules and so I am going to set some for this one. Without them then I will just be some guy watching movies and throwing my opinion out there.
I have an ever growing list of movies spanning time and genres and I am going to select a movie from this list which I will then have to review using a 1 - 5 scale.
1) being I watched this movie from start to finish. (maybe not counting wondering way to pee or get a beverage) This means that I have lost time from my life and I wish the movie could give it back.
2) This movie is worth catching on Tv but its must never ever be paid for, paying for your cable or otherwise may even be too much.
3) Its in the movie I may not have liked it but I may very well understand its appeal to someone.
4) This was a good movie you should consider seeing it because I enjoyed it...but would not buy it.
5) Holy shit did you see (BLANK!) this is the best damn movie ever here take my wallet and go see that shit like 5 times and call me during the 4th time. FUCK YA!

That is my scale 1 being boo, 5 being dont speak to me till you see this.

Second rule if I have seen the movie before (about 25% of the movies on this list I have seen) if and when this happens I must make a review on pure memory. I cannot watch this movie again until I make a post telling how I felt about it. Roughly how long ago I had seen it and a few specific details.
I may very well come across a movie that is not available through Nashville Public Library (where I get most of my entertainment) If and when that happens I must try to find the trailer or some other non-review based information. Then I must make a review on this with limited information. Then if later I do in fact see this then I will go back and see how far I'm off.
I can stop a movie but I then still have to do a post listing the reasons this was not able to keep my attention.
Finally If more than five people suggest that I must see a movie then I have to actively try to see it as soon as possible. (ASAP)
Hopefully this will be fun for me and fun for anyone who reads this.
