Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Book Of Eli

Did you ever see The Road? Well Book of Eli is The Road if they got rid of the whiny ass Boy and Denzel Washington played the Man. Oh Yeah and in this the Man is a total bad ass!!!

I enjoyed The Road, but the movie just lacked something that the book contained. Book being the Cormac McCarthy book by the same name. Book of Eli, here on BoE, was a lot more fast paced. Road goes at the same pace they walked. BoE seems to sprint through this post apocalyptic landscape. I love a good Bad Ass movie, the kinda movie that after you see the first real fight you go, "Damn, did you just see what that Bad Ass did?"

The casting in this was way better too, much more worth the time. Everyone in BoE seem to be a good fit. The Road may have just simply suffered from a lack of actual characters. But there is a big named actor at the end that really created a preformance that made me actually say, "Huh, I guess that they hired real homeless people to play some of the characters. To create more desolate feel." But no it was just a shitty preformance by an actor phoning it in.

So in summery if you want a good Post Apocalyptic story read The Road but see Book Of Eli.

4 out of 5 Denzels